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Who We've Helped

  • Peekskill City School District, NY - 4th and 5th grade students incubate and hatch chicken eggs, observing and documenting changes as the embryos develop and presenting their findings. 250 students, 4 staff.
  • Teatown Reservation, Ossining, NY - Purchase of a computer to run the virtual reality sandbox exhibit used to teach children about the lower Hudson Valley watershed. 1000 children, 5 staff.
  • Arlington High School, NY - Purchase of lighting system and other material for development of a hydroponic garden that will be integrated into the high school regents biology, honors biology, and marine science curricula. 200 students, 2 staff.
  • Wallkill High School, NY – Creation of a student-run vegetable and wildflower garden that will be incorporated into the 11-12th grade Conservation Science elective. 15 students, 10 staff.
  • Eagle Scout Project – Lakeland Central School District, Lakeland High School: Replacing the Turkey Mountain box bridge. Will annually serve several thousand people. 5 staff and 10 students.
  • Eagle Scout Project – Lakeland Central School District, Walter Panas High School: Creation of a new trail through the woods of the North Campus at PNW BOCES. The trail will be used for mindfulness walks by BOCES staff and students. It will also be open to the general public. 5 staff, 10-15 students.
  • Beacon School District & Kaplan Career Academy - The Love Quest Foundation: $500 grant approved to engage participants in exploring the parallel between humans relationships with farming and our natural world with their own interpersonal relationships accentuating the need to plant, foster, and grow the nourishment one needs to thrive both physically and metaphorically. Materials to be purchased include planters, seeds, compost, and watering systems. This project will be run by 4 staff and impact 30 students.
  • Yorktown Heights, NY – New York-New Jersey Trail Conference: $500 grant approved to fund the construction of a boardwalk along the Mohansic Trailway to connect the Yorktown Heights business district to FDR State Park allowing easier access for countless hikers. This project will be overseen by 2 volunteers and 3 students. It will provide enjoyment for thousands of hikers for many years to come.
  • Yorktown Heights, NY – Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES: $500 grant approved to transform a derelict tennis court into an outdoor classroom for environmental education programming. Resources to be purchased include native flowers, benches, work areas, and signage. This project will be supervised by 8 staff, built by 10 students, and impact all who utilize the outdoor space in and around the site.
  • Teatown Lake Reservation, Teatown StoryWalk Trail. Purchase of laminated signs for construction of a Story-Walk Trail aimed to encourage engagement with nature and the enhancement of literary skills. 6 staff and 3000 students.
  • Wallkill Senior High School, Wallkill High School Pollinator Garden. Purchase of materials including mulch, seeds for pollinator supporting perennials, and lumber for student construction of a courtyard pollinator garden. Students from the woodworking class will construct the benches, and science students will create the courtyard garden. 2 staff and 10 students.
  • Rhinebeck Interact Club, Rhinebeck High School, Rhinebeck Central School District: Funding to organize and implement a student-run initiative to increase the recycling of plastic and the composting and collection of food waste in the town of Rhinebeck, New York. Students would partner with the Rhinebeck Farmers Market and the Community Compost Company for the composting of food waste. 2 staff; 15-20 students.
  • Rhinebeck High School, Bulkeley Middle School, Rhinebeck Central School District: Funding of student-run initiative to encourage conversations about sustainability in the larger school community including: Installation of solar panels with outdoor charging outlets to encourage use of solar power by students and purchase of plants that encourage pollinators. Project will be overseen by 2 staff and maintained by 10 students in the environmental club.
  • Yorktown Trail Committee: Creation of gateway signs and interpretative panels, online resources and educational material for the Lakeland and Yorktown School districts to educate visitors to the Mohegan Quarry at The Sylvan Glen park Preserve in Yorktown. High school students from the Lakeland and Yorktown school districts and community volunteers to be involved.
  • Wallkill Central School District: Purchase of components for high school A. P. physics students to build and monitor air pollution detection kits that will be strategically placed in the community. Data collected will be overseen by 2 staff and examined by 12 students in the context of how air pollution affects the general and marginalized populations in their localities with a focus on how to be a change agent in those communities.
  • Mahopac Central School District; Austin Road Elementary School: Purchase of stream study equipment for year long investigation of indicator species and health of local streams. Trout eggs will be released as appropriate. Information and specimens will be sent to the N.Y. Dept. of Environmental Conservation. 125 students and 2 staff.
  • Surprise Lake Camp: Supplies to implement a one day experientially-oriented environmental program on the theme of Environmental Stewardship and Moral Courage. 450 campers, 160 staff.
  • Yorktown Trail Town Committee: Purchase and installation of trail signs within the Town of Yorktown's park system.
  • Haldane School District, Haldane Middle school: Purchase of water test kits for student monitoring of the Hudson River as part of New York state's annual student-led collection of data. In collaboration with Lamont-Doherty Laboratories. 8 staff; 70 students.
  • Putnam Valley Elementary School: Supplies for integrating onsite pond studies into the ELA, Math, Science, and SS curriculum. 50 staff; 700 students.
  • Ossining High School Science Research Program: Purchase of temperature monitoring iButtons for use in ecological investigations of student's science research projects. 2 staff; 100 students
  • Teatown Lake Reservation: Pollinator Garden for K-12 Students. Creation of pollinator garden to teach hands-on classes about pollinators to school groups, summer camp children and the general public. 5 staff; 2,500 children.
  • San Miguel Academy of Newburgh: Hydroponic Garden for Middle School. Purchase of hydroponic farm wall to teach urban gardening as part of the middle school science curriculum. Students come from underserved areas of the community. 3 staff, 68 students.
  • Yorktown Central School District; Brookside Elementary School: Purchase of a worm watcher kit for 3rd graders to study urban gardening and sustainable living, integrating their studies with the Language Arts, Technology and Math standards for the district. 1 teacher; 25 students.
  • Mahopac Central School District; Austin Road Elementary School: Funding for a 'Trout in the Classroom’ project for 5th Graders. Purchase of a chiller and a filter to grow, study and release trout as part of a larger aquatic studies program. Done in cooperation with the Trout Unlimited Organization and Ward Pound Ridge Park. 5 teachers; 125 students.
  • Haldane Central School District; Haldane Elementary School: Funding to send a teacher as the district’s garden educator to the Stone Barns teacher training over the summer to prepare a school wide gardening curriculum that will be scheduled for every K-5 class in the school once per month. 1 teacher, 390 students.
  • Bedford Central School District : West Patent Elementary School: Funding to help cover the cost of material to build an Early Childhood Garden that is user-friendly for the school’s younger ( K-2 ) students. 16 staff; 360 students.
  • Lakeland School District, George Washington Elementary School: Provide recycling containers for paper, plastic and glass in every classroom throughout the school for the processing of recyclable materials. 461 students
  • Bedford School District, West Patent Elementary School: Supply binoculars for students in the Young Naturalists Program for third through fifth graders to study local birdlife. 370 students
  • Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES, Pines Bridge School: Provide educational resource materials for an environmental education and geography program to provide enhanced experiential and sensory components for special needs students aged 15 to 21. 5 staff, 12 students
  • Ossining School District, Ossining High School Science Research Program: Supplies to investigate the relation of pesticide exposure to the decline of honeybees in the Hudson Valley region. Test results added to Pennsylvania State University's database. 2 staff: 80 science research students.
  • Bedford School District: West Patent Elementary School: Hummingbird feeders and composting units for Community Learning garden to serve school's environmental literacy program. 3 staff, 370 students -
  • Supplies to create a "sanctuary garden" at Children's home of Poughkeepsie, 10 staff, 30 students
  • North Salem Middle School / High School: Purchase of green house for an intergenerational garden that will serve the school and surrounding community. Partnering with the Carnage Middle School of Raleigh, N.C. 12 Staff; 40 students ( plus seniors from the community ).
  • Teatown Lake Reservation, Ossining, N.Y.: Material to replace weathered composting area . Used to stimulate community interest in environmentally sustainable practices. 1 staff; 10 students from teenage volunteers program. Teatown’s educational programs reach 18,000 children and adults a year.
  • Teatown (Eastern Box Turtles Research Project- Working with local high school and colleges)
  • Sleepy Hollow Middle School: Construction of an ‘Ornithological Outpost’ .Will be used by the entire school. Environmental Action Club students will collect data and report it to Cornel Universities Feeder Watch program. 3 staff ; 600 students.
  • Somers High School: Purchase of power predictor to determine economic viability of wind power in the Somer’s region. 4 staff; 250 Earth Science students.
  • Nellie A.Thornton High School, Mount Vernon City School District. Creation of a self-sufficient aquaponics system for study by school’s science club. 2 staff; 50 students.
  • Mildred Strang Middle School,Yorktown School District. Creation of a marine ecosystem to be used as part of an interdisciplinary science and English curriculum. 1 teacher; 65 students.
  • Fulmar Road Elementary School, Mahopac District: Purchase of litter-grabbers for student stewardship of nature trails and school green areas. 30 staff; 560 students.
  • Scarsdale High School:Water testing equipment to be used in a newly instituted outdoor component of the Living Environment course. 8 staff; 380 students.
  • College of New Rochelle: Material support for a campus sustainability garden to be used by faculty from the Environmental Studies Program to teach upcoming teachers from the Education Program how to use school gardens. College faculty will also serve as a future resource to teachers in the New Rochelle district.
  • Sleepy Hollow Middle School,Tarrytown District: A weather station for students to be one of 5 New York State schools to participate in N.A.S.A.’s CERES S’COOL Program (to determine the accuracy of weather satellites). 2 staff; 100 students.
  • A.C.E.S. alternative school, Bedford school district:A small greenhouse to be used in conjunction with a new Botany course.
  • Eastchester High School, Eastchester district: A sustainable garden to be used by the Living Environment / Biology classes and the Going Green Environmental Club. 2 staff; 95 students.
  • Post Road Elementary School,White Plains district (K-5 / English as a second language): to initiate a school recycling program and a perennial flower garden in the school courtyard. 3 staff; 15 students.
  • Carmel High School Environmental Club, Carmel district: Material to build a bridge on a student maintained trail around Lake Gleneida . 2 staff; 45 students.
  • Garden Street School , Brewster district: An in-ground garden to be used as an outdoor education center.
  • Crompond Elementary School,Yorktown district: Purchase of a composting bin to start a school composting program. 2-4 staff; 25-50 students.
  • Lakeland District: Lincoln-Titus Elementary School, Lakeland District: Material to establish a flower garden and small pond in the elementary school courtyard. 20 staff; 468 students.
  • Center for Environmental Education, P.N.W. BOCES: Purchase of books and resource material for an environmental sustainability section at the P/NW BOCES Library.
  • Hendrick Hudson High School: High school recycling project. 150 staff, 915 students.
  • Woodside Elementary School, Peekskill School District: Equipment for school gardening project. 2 staff, 50 students.
  • Park Early Childhood Center and Roosevelt Elementary School, Ossining: School gardening project. 45 staff, 660 students.
  • Copper Beach Middle School, Lakeland District: School gardening project. 200 staff, 1500 students.
  • Copper Beach Middle School, Lakeland District: Equipment for a maple sugar project to promote appreciation of locally produced products.
  • Garden Street Elementary School, Brewster: Equipment for a school-wide composting program. Involved 12 teachers and 200 students.
  • Walter Panas High School, Lakeland School District: Funding for the formation of a high school environmental club, including a school-wide recycling program.
  • Yorktown Middle School: Student construction of three in-classroom ecosystems for environmental study. 1 teacher, 60 students.
  • Pequonakonck Elementary School, North Salem: Support for an after school gardening club and composting program. Involved 5 staff, 100 students.
  • Brewster Middle School: Lending library on the theme of sustainability for incorporation into the Living Environment curriculum. Used by 3 teachers, 300 students.
  • Walter Panas High School, Lakeland District: Environmental Library for school's Envirothon team.
  • Claremont Elementary School, Ossining: Funding to create a butterfly garden used for environmental studies. 4 teachers, 70 students.
  • Carmel High School: Student construction of Putnam County's first handicap-accessible nature trail. Grant was written and executed by two high school students under principal's supervision.
  • John Jay High School, Katonah-Lewisboro: Funding for water testing equipment for students to participate in Westchester County's Citizen's Voluntary Water Monitoring Program. Involved 1 teacher, 72 students.
  • Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua: For equipment to study forest and aquatic ecosystem as part of the AP Environmental Science curriculum. 1 teacher, 97 students.
  • Yorktown High School: Funding for creation of an outdoor adventure club.
  • Claremont Elementary School. Ossining: Student development of a wildlife conservation area in the school's courtyard. Constructed by 3 teachers, 75 students.
  • Yorktown High School: Funding for a student's science research project.This grant was written by a student whose research secured several awards.
  • Briarcliff High School: Incorporation of a 'Green Chemistry' unit into the mainstream chemistry curriculum.
  • West Patent Elementary School, Bedford School District: Development of a bird-watching field lab to enrich the elementary school curriculum. Involved 2 teachers and 5 students.
  • Pocantico Hills Central School: Library material and other resources to study aspects of farm life at the Rockefeller's Hudson Pines Farm.Activities have been incorporated into the school's 2nd grade curriculum. 2 teachers, 43 students.
  • Bell Middle School, Chappaqua: Student development of a biodiversity trail and guidebook. Involved 2 teachers and 94 students.
  • Crompond Elementary School,Yorktown: Development of school butterfly garden and student written educational material as part of the display. Involved 3 staff, 50 students.
  • Yorktown High School: Student restoration of the Downing Park Pond. Involved high school AP Environmental Studies students and middle school science students ( 3 teachers, 90 students ).
  • Garden Street School, Brewster: Development of a greenhouse gardening project for incorporation into the elementary school science and social studies curriculum. Involved 11 adults and 100 students.
  • Briarcliff High School: Funding for marine studies field research for incorporation into a new Marine Science course at the high school. Done in collaboration with the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Connecticut. Involved 1 teacher and 50 students.
  • Anne Dorner Middle School, Ossining: Development of a hands-on student-run weather station. Used by 4 teachers and 300 students.
  • Carmel High School: Material for a student-run school-wide recycling project. 3 students wrote and implemented this grant under the principal's supervision.The entire school became involved.
  • PNW BOCES Outdoor Education Program,Yorktown: Funding for purchase of artifacts for a wildlife display. It was seen and touched by over 3,600 children in Putnam and Westchester counties in the first year of viewing.
  • Pequonakonck Elementary school, North Salem: Material support for a two month hands-on pollution study involving 2 teachers and 25 students.
  • North Salem Middle School:Water testing equipment for an ongoing student study of two local bodies of water. Involved 2 teachers and 100 students.
  • Mahopac Middle School: Material for student construction of an on-site nature trail that teachers now use as part of an environmental studies unit. Project involved 6 adults and 300 students.
  • Briarcliff High School: Material for students to create and demonstrate five environmental chemistry labs with students from the New York School for the Deaf. Involved 2 teachers and 95 students.
  • Mt. Kisco Elementary School, Bedford Schools: Creation of an outdoor classroom and gardening area for special education students. Developed by 13 students and 2 teachers.
  • Madden Outdoor Education Center, PNW BOCES: Equipment to implement an outdoor extension of a bird study program.
  • North Salem School District: Material for the student construction of 35 owl / kestral nesting boxes that were hung by students on school district property and surrounding areas.
  • Fox Lane Middle School, Bedford: Field trip to Yonkers Waste Water Treatment Plant and Local Material Recovery Facility to support in-school recycling project. 110 students
  • Briarcliff High School: Student-led analysis of local drinking water system. Recommendations presented at IBM symposium.
  • Mahopac Middle School: Funding to set up a lending library about America's heroes and heroines of coservation.
  • Pound Ridge Elementary School: Funding to implement an 8 week hands-on environmental education unit.
  • Park Street School, Peekskill: Pre-kindergarten gardening and planting area integrated with an environmental and reading program for 108 students.
  • George Washington Elementary School, Lakeland District: Development of an environmental study pond site by 70 students and 8 teachers including trail system, benches and interpretive guides.
  • Yorktown Middle School: Year-long study of electromagnetic radiation from power-lines next to the school. Involved 4 teachers and 240 students.
  • Hart Library: Funding for an environmental research section in the public library.
  • Brookside and Mohansic Elementary Schools,Yorktown: Purchase of 100 recycling bins to support a recycling curriculum for 1,084 students.
  • Mahopac Middle School: Funding to set up a limnology library to support on-going student monitoring of Putnam Valley lakes and streams.
  • North Salem and Yorktown Middle Schools: Inter-district collaborative publication of an environmental advocacy guide for young people.
  • Hudson Valley Climate Service: Support for graphics of Dr. Jerome Thaler's Catskill Region Weather Book.
  • Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES Outdoor Education Center: Development of instructional recycling kits to be used by 17 school district in the Putnam/Westchester area
  • Peekskill High School: Creation of hydroponic gardening program for high school students to teach environmental education to special education students at the elementary school.
  • Carrie E.Thompkins Elementary School, Croton: Development of a wildlife conservation area and instructional site for the community.
  • Ossining High School: purchasing of recycling bins by environmental club to promote recycling in the high school.
  • Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua: Funding to support teams of high school students to be environmental education workshop leaders in the elementary school.
  • Yorktown Land Trust: Support for publications of the Yorktown Walk Book